<- c("tidyverse", "gt", "ggthemes", "palmerpenguins",
pkg_list "quarto", "usethis")
Pre-workshop instructions
Prior to the workshop, please complete the following steps:
If you have trouble with these steps, or you’d prefer not to mess with your current set up, you can also work in Posit Cloud. See Backup Option below.
1. Software
Download and install the latest versions of R, RStudio, and Quarto:
- R 4.2.3 or above: https://cran.r-project.org
- RStudio 2024.04.0 or above: https://posit.co/download/rstudio-desktop
- Quarto 1.4 or above: https://quarto.org/docs/download
2. R Packages
Install the following packages:
3. Exercises
Download and open the exercises for this session. The easiest way is to run this line of R code at the console in RStudio.
::use_course("https://bit.ly/cscd-exercises") usethis
If that doesn’t work, you can download a zip file of the exercises here, then open the directory. The qmd files can be opened in RStudio.
Backup Option: Posit Cloud
You can choose to use Posit Cloud instead which has the required tools already installed, along with a copy of the exercise files. Join the Posit Cloud space and access the Exercises project.