
Intro Quarto @ Cascadia R Conf

Charlotte Wickham

Posit, PBC

Parting remarks

Quarto CLI…

orchestrates each step of rendering

A schematic representing rendering of Quarto documents from .qmd, to knitr or jupyter, to plain text markdown, then converted by pandoc into any number of output types including html, PDF, or Word document.

Artwork from “Hello, Quarto” keynote by Julia Lowndes and Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, presented at RStudio Conference 2022. Illustrated by Allison Horst.

Learn more

Follow up with…


Creating a minimum reproducible example

  • For any coding question, start by creating a minimum reproducible example (reprex)

  • You’ll find that this task is less than trivial for a complex Quarto project

  • But there’s a good chance you’ll solve your problem while creating the reprex

Getting help


Thank you!


Any questions / anything you’d like to review or learn before we wrap up the workshop?